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Zoom, Zoom, Crash

Hello! You may have already noticed, but I haven't posted in a very long time. That is because last week I went on vacation and this started. My school is entirely online due to corona and, though it's only been two days, I am beat. Haha that made me sound 80 years old. Okay, okay, I'll get to the point. I figured that you might be interested in what it's like starting high school during a global pandemic in an online learning environment. Soooo, here is your inside scoop on what's happening.

Usually, my school has a rotating schedule with one-hour classes and ten-minute breaks. When we moved online last year, classes were cut down to forty minutes making our breaks thirty minutes. Long story short, we had a lot more flexibility and less work. That was the life. This year is much different: we are required to wear uniforms, every class is one hour with only ten-minute breaks, and they are all on zoom. Yep, eight hours of zoom EVERY DAY.

On the first day, I put on my polo, some sweatpants, and then began the online ice breakers. You know, the classics: "what did you do this summer?" or "what do you want to be when you grow up?". It was awkward at first, but after a while it wasn't that bad. By lunchtime I was SO tired. Little did I know once school was over, I wouldn't even be able to move. Some other rules are, we have to keep our cameras on, aren't allowed to eat, and all classes are recorded. It's odd, but I'm sure it could be worse. I am exhausted, though. Have I mentioned that yet?

Despite all that, there were some pretty funny moments. For example, when my teacher explained that she doesn't usually allow internet problems to be an excuse for her class, my wifi promptly crashed. Another was when my cat jumped in front of the camera, and I had to pull her away. Finally, the last one happened when my teacher asked what music I liked, and in a panic, I said I didn't listen to music (which is not true). Fun times!

In my opinion, I don't think we will return to campus until after spring break or even next year. If you're wondering how I feel about my school situation, I think we need longer breaks and a lot less zooming. As for this blog, I'm going to try my hardest to continue to post weekly.


Thank you so much for reading! Let me know if there is anything you want me to post next. Have an awesome day and if you are starting school soon, good luck.


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