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Reviewing True Winners: Ford v Ferrari

As you may have guessed, Sophie and I are girls. But to hell with stereotypes, because we loved a movie that's all about cars. Today's movie is Ford v Ferrari, released just one year ago.

WARNING: This reveals key points in the movies, a.k.a there are tons of spoilers.

Ford v Ferrari

Sophie’s Take: ✭✭✭✩✩

This movie was incredible. It reminds me just how much I love film by capturing every essence of what makes film so special. I’m a sucker for historical movies and this one hit the nail right on the head. From the storyline, to the beautiful frames, to the high-speed action of racing, to the heart-wrenching moments that perfectly mirror the movies fast past, this movie perfectly sums of what the film is all about.

I channeled so many emotions throughout this movie. I felt pure joy, frustration, hopefulness, anxiousness, relief, and devastation. The way the enemy is portrayed is brilliant, by creating an expected enemy towards the beginning of the film (Ferrari) but at the end revealing the true enemy, within Ford, is spectacularly done and captures the movie’s true meaning. The acting was phenomenal, and every character was cast perfectly. The way the races were shot was so amazing. Each moment I was on the edge of my seat, biting my nails as to await what would come next. The drop-in music, dramatic close-up, camera switch back to the pit stop, it all created the perfect scene. I couldn’t say it enough, this movie captures why movies are so special. Capturing every emotion, every heartbeat, and every tear.

Scout’s Take: ✭✭✭✭✩

The storyline of this movie was so inspiring. The fact that this was based on a true story made it that much better. The composition perfectly captured the range of emotions that I would imagine were involved in this event. I felt frustration, triumph, and devastation. The inside scoop that the writers gave us of the romance between Ken and his wife is something that I wouldn’t have expected. Not only did it perfect his character, but it made his death so tragic. His relationship with his son did the same. Despite his rough image, Miles was a truly compassionate person and the writers allowed us to see this very clearly. Without knowing this, his decision to cross the finish line with his teammates would’ve made no sense. In short, I think that the screenwriters of this movie must’ve been geniuses. Making two horrible endings seem like the winnings of a lifetime takes true skill. I will most likely watch this a few more times, and with each time I will discover another wisp of perfection.


Grazie for visiting Life Blogs Sucks to read this post. I hope you loved it, have a super day.


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