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My Favorite Places On Earth

With travel being as difficult as it is, I decided to take you on a journey with me. Where to you ask? Well, only my favorite places on Earth! Wikka wikka woohoo.


The Beach House

If you don't already know, the beach house used to be my family's vacation house. For some cray cray reason my parents decided to crush my entire childhood and sell it. BUT, this doesn't mean I don't still love it more than anywhere else in the world. It was on a little island on the west coast of Florida, everyone drove golf carts and the ice cream shop was delicious.

St. Croix

I honestly wish that I was born in St. Croix. My mom was born there and she also grew up there. It is spectacular and I hope that everyone in the world is lucky enough to visit. Everyone is so nice and the water is crystal clear. My favorite part, second to the people, is the food. WOW. Yummmmmmmy.


I think the first time I fell in love with Atlanta was three years ago when my parents and I stayed in the Highlands. Everything was so perfect, the houses had blueberry bushes and little chipmunks bounced across the sidewalks. The town was a quick stroll away and every shop was unique. Then, last year, my dad and I went across ALL of Atlanta on an electric scooter which was insane.


I don't completely recall my trip to France but there are some little bits I remember. For example, when we went to Normandy Beach there were little wildflowers near a small drainage creek. On the way up to this castle there were tons of vendors selling snow globes. I remember eating very bitter chocolate until a chocolatier brought me one I liked better. There was a small water mill in Bayeux. Oh, and in Paris, I rode on a merry go round and had to get hoops on a stick. The point is the trip has never left me and I can't wait to go back.


Thank you so much for reading. I am going to be doing something very interesting soon so I hope that you will like that... Let me know if you would participate in a online open mic: people would send in their artwork, poetry, or stories. Have an absolutely fantastic week.


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