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Making Band Tees (for you)

My household, like many others, has an Alexa. I personally think that they are creepy and watching our every move, but...whatever. Anyways, the one that I have is somewhat of a very small TV and has news stories flashing by every minute or so; yesterday, I saw one that was absolutely crazy: Mystery Pig on the Loose in Pennsylvania. WOW, what a story! That made me laugh, a lot. I guess all we can do now is hope they figure out where the pig came from.


Today's post is like no other before it! That's a complete lie there have been many others like this. Today I am making band t-shirts. Now, you're probably asking yourself, "Why would you do that if you can just buy some online?" I'll tell you! I listen to weird music and that odd music is made by strange artists who have no clue how to make good shirts. Simple right?!

My Band Shirt Tutorial!

First off, you need to choose two or more bands that you would like to represent. Next, decide whether you want to use the band logo, album cover, or group picture.

Cover of Lucy by Still Woozy Arctic Monkeys Logo

Next step! Choose two colored or white shirts. Print out the art on transfer paper and iron them on.

This step is optional: use either colored dye or bleach and make cool swirls or designs. Here's the link to the tutorial that I used:

You have arrived at the final step...wear your shirt. Keep in mind, if you decided to dye it you may have to wash and dry it before putting it on. If not, put it on!


These were so much fun to make and I am SO HAPPY with how they turned out. The bleach dyed one is definitely my favorite, it's so cool! Thanks so much for reading my blog, I will keep you updated on the Pennsylvania Pig. Have a fantastic day and don't forget to subscribe!


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