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Bored Games

The title may have given it away, but this post is all about fun games to remedy your quarantine blues. Some are interactive and some can be just for you. My personal favorite doesn't even come with instructions

Games are usually a group activity between friends. Due to current circumstances, doing that is out of the question. Don't worry though, you can play with your family! Ha, it's not like you've been together non-stop for the last two weeks or anything...So you're totally set!

  1. Candy Land- It's honestly just so fun to move the little gingerbread guys across the candy bridges.

  2. Monopoly- The perfect way to waste away the day...or two.

  3. Mexican Train- You might not know of this but it is so much fun! It's basically dominoes but with cute little trains. It's the best.

  4. Uno- What feels better than putting down six "plus fours" in a row? Answer: nothing.

  5. Pictionary- Okay I lied last time, this is THE BEST. Pictionary is the funniest thing on Earth. I mean, come on, name one thing funnier than people with no artistic talent trying to draw as fast as they can.

  6. Charades- This is the game I was talking about up top. This is my all time favorite, hands down. I played it with my family and neighbors this New Years and it was great. Almost everyone peed their pants laughing.

  7. Old Maid- This is not that well known but it is super fun. My great grandma has probably taught this card game to the entire family by now. You have got to try it out.

  8. Pit- This is SO FUN. I'm not sure if this is how it's supposed to go, but whenever I play it with my family and neighbors we end up screaming super loud. The game is about trading crops (cards) until you have a full set of one commodity, like the stock market.

  9. Puzzles- The best puzzles are the ones that take days to finish but end up looking like a masterpiece.

  10. Jenga- Ah! This game is so intense. Warning: make sure no cats come near the tower.


Thank you for reading, I hope that this list gives you some ideas of what to play during this pandemic. Remember to subscribe and stay safe. Have a great night!


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