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A New Old

Every Sunday for a while, I have visited the farmers' market. Whether with friends, family, or just myself, it became a Sunday tradition. A while ago, with coronavirus, the market closed. In great happiness, I am here to say that it has re-opened. Kind of.

Due to restrictions, it is now a drive through. They have been open for a while but I didn't go until recently. I originally expected for the set up to be a slowly moving, line of cars, I was so wrong!

Here's how it works. All of the booths are set up within a large parking lot. There are four or five sections and six to ten tents set up within them. If you want to get something, you pull into the parking spaces next to that particular stand. If not, you keep driving. Unfortunately, you aren't allowed to leave the car. The vendors come to your window, take payment on a stick with a card reader taped to the end of it, and drop your purchase in through the window. Oh, and I'm not kidding about the credit card slot on a stick. Now, about the not being able to leave your car. While I was there, we saw a group on bikes go through. So, I'm guessing the rules on that are kind of flexible.

This is the cashier on a stick. Told you I wasn't kidding!

One of the rules for vendors is that they cannot give people a product directly. Here, this man put our drinks on the roof of the car where I then grabbed them.

Today, this was the smartest (and funniest) thing that I saw. The lobster guys printed their menus on their shirts instead of passing out single use menus.


Thank you for reading, I hope you liked this post. Let me know if theres anything you would like to read about in the future. Have a really good day.


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2020 by Scout Dingman

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