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A Game Changer

Sophie from Long Island, New York has come up with a series of quarantine-themed games that are perfect for a full week of family fun. It's just what the doctor ordered.

Here is Sophie's dad and brother on the last night of what they call the Quarantine Olympics. The game was guess the medical mask emotion. Here's the rules: hold a piece of paper in front of your mouth and try to get someone else to guess your mood just by looking at your eyes.

“It’s something fun that we can all do as a’s really awesome.” - Sophie

Let the Games Begin

Not only are the games a hoot, but they're also interesting. If you know what I mean. Each member Sophie's family chipped in five dollars on Monday and the person who won the most games at the end of the week received a twenty dollar prize. Word is that her little brother Jack got the loot.

In case you want to try this out for yourself, I'm typing up all the games and rules right here. If not, well actually never mind. I can't imagine who thinks this doesn't sound awesome.


The Quarantine Olympics

Monday- Drink the water through a straw while it's simultaneously being filled up. The goal: don't let it over flow. Oh and make sure to print out a Corona beer logo to tape onto your cup.

Tuesday- Try to guess how much 6 feet apart is without a ruler. Hint: it's a lot less than you might think.

Wednesday- Toilet paper toss! This is just like horseshoes but with toilet paper. Use some tape to set a throwing distance, and take your best shot. There's only two other things you need: one of the ten thousand toilet paper rolls we all know you bought, and either a paper towel or toilet paper holder (to land the rolls on).

Thursday- Emergency phone call. Each person gets one call and whoever's person picks up first wins.

Friday- The medical mask charade. Same game from above: guess the emotion by looking at only the persons eyes, their face will be covered by a paper, or a mask if you have one.


Thanks so much for reading! I hope that, if you decide to play, you win your family's Quarantine Olympics. Thanks to Sophie for coming up with these great games and for sending me those hilarious picture of her dad and brother during Friday's games.


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